
Click Hanger

Josh and I are paying tribute to everyone’s second-favorite (after Plinko) Price Is Right game. Mouse clicks/moves are nearly unconscious. Once you become aware, it’s quite maddening (sorry to do that to ya). Going with this, we’ve decided to count the number of mouse clicks made per day and have them correspond with our own little online Cliff Hanger’s upward progress. I’ve fond that there’s a lot more documentation on click recording for PC so hopefully we’ll be able to work something out and have him climbing by EOD. Your friends will be so impressed when they check the site and see how far you’ve clicked! STAY TUNED!

July 31st, 2008

Daily Posts

  • Day 1 July 28th
  • Day 2 July 29th
  • Day 3 July 30th
  • Day 4 July 31st
  • Day 5 August 1st
  • Guest Stars*

  • Day 1: Bre Pettis
  • Day 2: Dennis Crowley
  • Day 3: Kate Hartman
  • Day 4: Jonah B-C
  • Day 5: Andrew Schneider
  • Credits

  • Vikram Tank Coordinator
  • Rob Faludi Producer
  • David Steele Overholt Webmaster
  • Rob Ryan Tech Manager
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    type and hit 'enter'