

Hey there.  My name is Andrew Schneider.  I don’t go to ITP right now, but I used to.  I was asked by Rob Faludi to be a “guest star” for the “5-in-5” series currently winding it’s way down at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.  Today is the last day of this particular session.  If you don’t know what 5-in-5 is, I have no idea how you got here.

First of all what the fuck is a “guest star”?  I hate that heirarchy wierdness.

Second of all, this is my project.  I am documenting the documentation of my day doing a project as a participant in 5-in-5 at ITP.   I will post things as soon as they are captured.  I’ll be doing everything I can to let you know about my progress throughout the day.  I’ll be doing tutorials on life, uploading music videos that I make, uploading precious photos of myself, and interacting with my readers.  Basically, I’m doing everything that comes to mind.  Filtering is low.  Release early and often.  Make desicions quickly.  I don’t know how I feel about that yet, but I’m going to see it through.  Here’s the ongoing documentation.  I strongly encourage and am asking for commments, questions and participation of all kinds.  My phone number is 917-701-3226.  Call it.  My email is metablog@andrewjs.com.  Write it.  What happens now.

August 1st, 2008


  • 1. 5 in 5: Day 5 | Abiyaa&hellip  |  August 4th, 2008 at 7:04 pm

    […] final day of 5 in 5 was happy-dirty, telepathic, deliciously chilly, retro-reflective, recursively meta, southwardly mobile, ephemerally illustrated, dubiously conversant, cartographically challenging, […]

  • 2. 5 in 5: Day 5 « Rob&hellip  |  October 13th, 2010 at 10:30 am

    […] final day of 5 in 5 was happy-dirty, telepathic, deliciously chilly, retro-reflective, recursively meta, southwardly mobile, ephemerally illustrated, dubiously conversant, cartographically challenging, […]

Daily Posts

  • Day 1 July 28th
  • Day 2 July 29th
  • Day 3 July 30th
  • Day 4 July 31st
  • Day 5 August 1st
  • Guest Stars*

  • Day 1: Bre Pettis
  • Day 2: Dennis Crowley
  • Day 3: Kate Hartman
  • Day 4: Jonah B-C
  • Day 5: Andrew Schneider
  • Credits

  • Vikram Tank Coordinator
  • Rob Faludi Producer
  • David Steele Overholt Webmaster
  • Rob Ryan Tech Manager
  • feed


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