
Japanese Family Crests

As I mentioned in my last post, I had gotten a lot of stuff on my trip to Japan. I particularly liked this small book I got that is filled with thousands of family crests from Japan. The crests are each really great highly-designed symbols. For a while I have wanted to animate these, to show many of them at once and to show the visual differences between each of them. So for the Tuesday project, I captured the images of a couple hundred of these, aligned and cleaned up the photos, and then animated them as a series. Also, I wanted to project them in a space to give them more presence and texture. A still of the projection is below. A link to the video of the various projections is also below.

Japanese Family Crests video

Japanese Family Crests

July 30th, 2008


  • 1. The Kush  |  July 31st, 2008 at 2:48 am

    Love it. I’m a luddite, else I’d make it my screen saver.

  • 2. Ruth Lingford  |  July 31st, 2008 at 5:21 am

    I LOVE the animated crests – I would love to wear clothes with these animated design on

  • 3. Eel  |  April 12th, 2011 at 12:52 am

    Kudos to you! I hadn’t tohuhgt of that!

Daily Posts

  • Day 1 July 28th
  • Day 2 July 29th
  • Day 3 July 30th
  • Day 4 July 31st
  • Day 5 August 1st
  • Guest Stars*

  • Day 1: Bre Pettis
  • Day 2: Dennis Crowley
  • Day 3: Kate Hartman
  • Day 4: Jonah B-C
  • Day 5: Andrew Schneider
  • Credits

  • Vikram Tank Coordinator
  • Rob Faludi Producer
  • David Steele Overholt Webmaster
  • Rob Ryan Tech Manager
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