Adam Parrish
Adam is a recent graduate of the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU. He makes programs for computers, words, sounds, and people. Adam grew up in Davis County, Utah, and received his bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from UC Berkeley. He currently resides in Brooklyn, NY.
Today I made a New Interface for Textual Expression, as part of a continuation of my master’s thesis research. Strokeweight is an interface that correlates gestures of drawing to gestures of text. Click below to view a demonstration video on Vimeo. Technical details can be found after the jump.

(The source text used in the demonstration video is Lord Dunsany’s Poltarnees, Beholder of Ocean, which has nothing to do with fruit. I don’t know why I drew fruit. I guess I drew fruit because it’s easy to draw, and also delicious.)
August 1st, 2008
My day 2 project is called twbasic. It’s an implementation of classic, line-numbered, home computer-era BASIC that runs on top of Twitter. You can start using twbasic right now by twittering your program listing to @twbasic. Here’s how to get twenty rolls of a six-sided die:
@twbasic 10 for i = 1 to val(ARG$)
@twbasic 20 print rnd(6) + 1
@twbasic 30 next i
@twbasic run 20

(The above screenshot depicts twbasic providing a listing of the program above, and then the results of running the code.)
A reference for using twbasic can be found after the jump.
July 30th, 2008
My day 1 project was about an analogy between retro video games and printmaking.

The Nintendo Entertainment System has a limited palette: of fifty-odd possible colors, only twenty-five can appear at any one time, and only four of those can be used in a single sprite. Games produced for the NES made careful use of this palette, expressing as much information through color as possible. This is famously the case in the Mega Man games for the NES, in which Mega Man (our hero) changes colors to indicate which weapon he’s using.
July 29th, 2008