
TuneSash – a wearable audio player speaker system

Posted by Corey Menscher on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

The TuneSash is complete! Unfortunately, I spent over six hours attempting to hack the iHome iH85, but in the end it just did not work. Instead, I created an audio amplifier out of an LM386 chip, and I have to say…it sounds awesome! Most of my day was spent taking apart the iH85 and resoldering […]

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TuneSash Pre-flight

Posted by Corey Menscher on Monday, July 28th, 2008 - Link

Today I will be making the TuneSash.  It’s a sash that contains an audio ampllifier, a speaker, an input jack, and possibly some sort of pocket for holding an audio player. My initial intention was to make the TuneSash as generic as possible…meaning any audio player can be used.  But since this is a one-off […]

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