
Day 1

Etsy Street: Frankenface

Posted by Robert Faludi on Thursday, July 31st, 2008 - Link

Guest Star* – Bre Pettis I was invited to participate for a day in the 5-in-5 Challenge, a competition to complete a creative project every day for five straight days. The 5-in-5 Challenge takes place at the Interactive Telecommunications Program, a Master’s program at New York University. If I could go back in time, I […]

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Day 1 Overview

Posted by Robert Faludi on Thursday, July 31st, 2008 - Link

It’s the first day of 5 in 5 and there’s a parade of projects. See the gang free themselves from Positioning Systems, choose their food decisively, sash a speaker, stick socks to a tee, mate software circles, print Mega Man, enliven their claw prizes, greet with robots, calm a TV, root for poops, Eco-nomize a […]

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Rootpoops 1.0 (again)

Posted by Andrea Dulko on Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 - Link

OK. I couldn’t let this go. Thanks to all who contributed (tried to) yesterday. Unfortunately, I was forced to take a different technical approach and, in frustration, made some hasty deletions. BUT!! We’re up and running, so please leave your cheers for people trying to use the toilet by calling 212.796.0729 ext 181. Here’s what […]

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Free.P.S. (Freedom from Positioning Systems)

Posted by Christian Cerrito on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

It seems not all that long ago that most of us had little idea about our exact locations on the planet the majority of our days. Many of us who used to be content wandering city streets, now instead poke away at our IPhones for constant direction and advice. It is nearly impossible to navigate […]

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Posted by Kristin O'Friel on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

pinwheel was designed to eliminate the languor and indecision that occurs when you eat in a four block radius everyday. restaurant list: mamoun’s, temple, cafetasia, pizza mercado, san loco, chipotle, red bamboo, little atlas, sunrise mart, rick shaw parts modeled in rhino and exported as AI files to be lasercut plywood pieces: 2 x interior […]

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TuneSash – a wearable audio player speaker system

Posted by Corey Menscher on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

The TuneSash is complete! Unfortunately, I spent over six hours attempting to hack the iHome iH85, but in the end it just did not work. Instead, I created an audio amplifier out of an LM386 chip, and I have to say…it sounds awesome! Most of my day was spent taking apart the iH85 and resoldering […]

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Posted by Christian Bovine on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

day 1 – make t-shirt design / learn to use a sewing machine I decided to do a t-shirt design / learn to use a sewing machine on Day 1. Here are the materials I used: The material I used for the front was a nylon belt which was quite difficult to work with. I […]

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Mating Drawings.

Posted by Vikram Tank on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

My project for 5-in-5 today was a system of software organisms that create drawings through behaviors.  In the early spring I went to go see Casey Reas speak about his work  He referenced Sol LeWitt’s instruction based art works as a source for his work.  LeWitt would send parameters and instructions to galleries to create […]

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Mega Man Linocut Prints

Posted by Adam Parrish on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

My day 1 project was about an analogy between retro video games and printmaking. The Nintendo Entertainment System has a limited palette: of fifty-odd possible colors, only twenty-five can appear at any one time, and only four of those can be used in a single sprite.  Games produced for the NES made careful use of […]

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Claw Machine

Posted by Tim Szetela on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

I visited Japan two years ago and collected a lot of stuff. At an arcade in Hiroshima, I played a claw machine over and over again, winning many small toys (pictured below). I had wanted to do some sort of project with them for a while. The toys are overly cute, and the game was […]

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“Welcome Robot, 1.5”

Posted by Armanda Lewis on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

He’s new and improved, and now with Ironman colors! It’s “The Welcome Robot, 1.5”! On Day#1 of 5-in- 5, I made the “Welcome Robot, 1.5” which greets ITPers with a friendly wave at times when Matt is not at the front desk. This is the latest version of the “Welcome Robot” which I started this […]

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Posted by David Steele Overholt on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

I made a trip to the local thrift store today for some inspiration and tools. I had in mind that I wanted to use a television (I considered taking out the tube and modding it into a bookshelf) and came upon this really cool, old TV (1984). Wanting to stick with my idea of re-engineering […]

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RootPoops 1.0

Posted by Andrea Dulko on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

Hi! So Stella Kim and I had talked about working on this as a midterm during the upcoming semester. Just this morning, I figured why not try it today. RootPoops gives you all the encouragement you’ll need while using the toilet. We could all use someone cheering us on! In one day, I aimed to […]

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EcoFabulous Wallet

Posted by Robert C. Moon on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

So my partner, Stella who I planned to work together for the first project but had the horrible misfortune of losing her precious laptop (not her fault), so she had to drop out, which left me with a free day to come up with something new. I’ve struggled all Sunday night, trying to plan something […]

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Summer Mittens

Posted by Joshua Berry on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Link

Well, since labor day is right around the corner, and leaves will start falling soon after, Day 1’s project had to be Summer Mittens. I’m simply running out of time to wear them. Besides the ability to keep you cool, these mittens will satisfy to the OCD patient in you. I used a breathable jersey […]

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Daily Posts

  • Day 1 July 28th
  • Day 2 July 29th
  • Day 3 July 30th
  • Day 4 July 31st
  • Day 5 August 1st
  • Guest Stars*

  • Day 1: Bre Pettis
  • Day 2: Dennis Crowley
  • Day 3: Kate Hartman
  • Day 4: Jonah B-C
  • Day 5: Andrew Schneider
  • Credits

  • Vikram Tank Coordinator
  • Rob Faludi Producer
  • David Steele Overholt Webmaster
  • Rob Ryan Tech Manager
  • feed


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